Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 13th July 2020
PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING meeting held via Zoom on Monday 13th July 2020 at 8 pm
Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Mallows, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Oliver, Mrs Handley and Mrs Edwards.
2. There were no Declarations of Interest.
3. Reference: 20/01976/S73
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S/3552/19/FL
42 High Street Great Eversden CB23 1HW
Following discussion, the Council voted unanimously on No Recommendation with the following comment
• Due to the amount of surface flooding there is local concern that enclosure of the ditch within the boundary fence will exacerbate the flooding. The position of the acoustic fence would encroach on the Council verge.
4. Reference: 20/02742/HFUL
Proposal: Single storey rear extension
Site address: 4 Lowfields Little Eversden Cambridge
The Council voted unanimously to SUPPORT the application with no comments.
5. Notification of planning appeal – Ref: S/3083/19/OL [SCDC] – Firework Factory
The Council had already voiced their opinion that there was no sustainable connection to the Village in the original application, therefore they would not put forward a further submission to the planning appeal.
6. Fibre to the door and County Broadband
The Chair proposed a motion asking in principle (on the basis that we had no permission from Ely or PCC or planning permission) whether the Parish Council would in principle agree to paying for wifi from the 2 church towers for 2 years at an approximately cost of £700. The Council were in principle in agreement with the proposal.
7. Fossey Trust : The lease was accepted and the Clerk will inform the Solicitor.
8. There were no further applications received and the Chair closed the meeting at 8:42 pm.