Parish Council Meeting Minutes: Monday 14th June 2021

MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL held on on Monday 14th June 2021 at
7:00 pm at the Recreation Ground

Present: Mr Brown, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

Bridget Smith, Leader of SCDC, Aidan Van de Weyer, District Council and Michael Atkins, County Councillor were also in attendance.

1. Apologies were received and approved from Helen Edwards and Michael Oliver.

2. There were no Declarations of interest.

3. Discussion with Bridget Smith, Leader of SCDC re EWR
Following a letter that Mr Prince had written to Ms Smith, she requested to attend a Parish Council meeting. A site visit was arranged to Lowfields to see the site of impact of EWR and she then addressed the Parish Council meeting. Ms Smith covered various points insisting that if EWR does go ahead diesel conflicts with current policy and this cannot go ahead from the outset. The indicated that responses from the public were included in SCDC’s response. Ms Smith said that not enough information had been given to decide on the route and her advise to the Eversden’s was to continue with our campaign, which SCDC will support, but to have a Plan B so that if it does go ahead we are able to mitigate the impact by stating what we can as a community.

4. There were no further questions raised from the public.

5. The minutes of of 8th March; 26th April; 4th May; 22nd May were approved.

6. Following the resignation of Mr Clive Dalton, 4 nominations were received to fill the vacancy. My majority vote Stephanie Morley was coopted to serve as the newest Parish Councillor.
The Clerk informed the Council that Mr Dalton thanked everyone for his gift of plants and good wishes.

7. Matters Arising
a. Fossey Field Update – this item was deferred until the next meeting.
b. Update on PC website and addresses – this item was deferred until the next meeting.

8. EWR – Decision on Public Statements. It was agreed that the statement in the minutes of 22nd May were sufficient to cover this item and no further discussion was required.

9. There were no planning application received.

10. Finance
Ivan Cooper Internal Auditor £78.00
SCDC – Village Hall Car Park Rental £50.00
CAPALC CiLCA Training £120.00
Zurich Municipal Insurance £1681.34
All payments were approved and authorised.

11. The Council were in favour of the quotation received from Mr Cutmore for repairs to the bus shelters. However, before it was approved, they would like a breakdown of the work to be completed.

12. Correspondence
a. Request for weight limit on High Street/Lowfields
Mr Dinsdale had approached Highways with regard to the query unfortunately it was not positive news. It is difficult to restrict the movement of HGVs as they are permitted to use any classification of road unless structural or environmental restrictions are in force, even then HGVs may still use such roads for access and deliveries. It should also be noted that agricultural vehicles are exempt from weight limits as they are not classed as heavy commercial vehicles. Therefore there is a problem in that there is an exemption for ‘access’ and ‘deliveries’ so on a no through road as all movements could count as ‘access’ even if they weren’t deliveries. There was a discussion about whether an informative sign saying something like ‘no turning area available for HGVs after this point’ we have asked Highways if this is acceptable.

b. County Broadband Meeting: The Chair is pursuing a meeting with County Broadband.

13. County & District Councillor Reports were received from Cllr Michael Atkins and Cllr Aidan Van de Weyer.

14. Date of Next Meeting: Planning, Monday 28th June 2021.

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