Parish Council Meeting Agenda: Monday 19th October 2020
ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL are summoned to a FULL COUNCIL MEETING on Monday 19th October 2020 at 8:00 pm
via ZOOM (Details at bottom of agenda)
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Approve Minutes of the Monday 21st September and Monday 5th October Planning
4. Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
5. Matters Arising & Clerks Report
a) Tree Work: Village Sign
b) Eversden Footpath Walks
c) Fossey Maintenance Contract: Procurement
d) OSP148 Update
e) Asset of Community Value: The Hoops
6. East West Rail
a) Briefing Update – Stephen Watterson
b) EWR Leaflet Drop
7. PC Email Account
8. Request for funding for an external hard drive – Cathie Mallows
9. Local Plan “Call for Sites”
10. Covid Grant
11. Planning Applications received after agenda publication
12. Finance
OPUS Energy £78.15 DDR
Clerks Payment £388.79 LGA 1972 s.112.2
Any other payments received after the publication of the agenda.
13. Correspondence
a) Bourn Surgery
14. County & District Councillor Reports
15. Next meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 2nd November and 16th November and Full Parish Council on Monday 30th November 2020.