Parish Council Meeting: Monday 24th July 2017
Present: Mrs Carol Handley, Mr Clive Dalton, Mr Steve Dinsdale, Mrs Sue Glasse, Mr Stephen Watterson, Mrs Cathie Mallows and, in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince.
Apologies for Absence were received from Dr Sinnett-Smith and Ms Kieran O’Callaghan.
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
Ms Sach asked whether Mr Sutton should clean the Church Street sign. The Clerk informed the meeting that a new one had been ordered via South Cambs District Council so to inform Mr Sutton no, as it will shortly be replaced.
The minutes of 19th June were proposed as correct by Mrs Handley and seconded by Mrs Glasse. Dr Sinnett-Smith had asked they be changed to reflect the resolution to post all agendas on to Eversden online. Although this was discussed, the Council had not agreed this as a resolution.
Mr Dalton proposed and Mr Dinsdale seconded the minutes of 3rd July as accurate and true and finally Mrs Mallows proposed and Mrs Glasse seconded the minutes of 17th July as a true and accurate record.
2. Declarations of Interest: Mrs Glasse declared an interest in Item 5e.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
- Acceptance of Office: Mr Watterson signed his acceptance of office.
- A603 Update: Mr Dinsdale had been unable to reach Andre Chabot. However Cllr Joseph had emailed regarding setting up a meeting. Mrs Glasse proposed, seconded by Dr Russell and RESOLVED that Mr Dinsdale would contact Cllr Joseph and brief her on the history in order move forward.
- War Memorial Update: The Clerk reported that the work will be undertaken this year and F.W.Cook will hold the price quoted.
- Purchase of Arnold Baker. Mr Watterson informed the Council that he has access to the ebook via his work account. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would purchase a copy from NALC, to include a 20% discount at £78.40. Mr Dalton proposed and Mrs Handley seconded the resolution.
- Appointment of Recreation Committee Parish Council Trustees. Mrs Sach informed the meeting that Ms O’Callaghan had not resigned as a Trustee and that in the past the Chair had been ex-officio. Mr Prince indicated that he did not wish to be a trustee due to personal liability. The Clerk will clarify with Cambs ACRE re personal liability.
- Update on S106 Money. The Clerk informed the meeting that £5,232.68 had been received on 1/10/14 for 42 Wimpole Road; £4,490.56 for open spaces and £743.12 for community facilities. £4,673.19 was received on 15.7.16 for 25a Harlton Road. Both amounts had a time limit of 10 years and were currently ringfences in the NS&I account. The Clerk will clarify if any of the money can be used towards the new pavilion building.
- Litter on Recreation Ground: Litter, including evidence of illegal substance use, had been found on the recreation ground at the far end. Mr Mallows had looked into the possibility of levelling the whole site in an attempt to discourage use. Councillor Russell asked if this was an efficient use of money since it would only move the problem elsewhere. Quotations will be shared with the Parish Council on receipt. Mrs Glasse in the meantime will inform the local PCSO.
- Cycle Paths Mr Prince informed the meeting he had met Cllr Francis Burkitt at a recent meeting. He informed Cllr Burkitt that the Eversdens have no bus and no safe cycle lanes. Cllr Burkitt said we needed immediate action! We are awiating to hear what. The Clerk will see if Anna Barford is still the contact within Comberton Parish Council.
- Affordable Housing Tour: Mr Dalton had attended the Affordable Housing coach tour in Warboys.
6. Appointment of Speaker for OSP148 Planning Committee: 2nd August 2017
Mr Dinsdale proposed the Chair speak at the forthcoming Planning Committee. Mrs Glasse seconded the proposal. It was RESOLVED that Mr Prince will represent the Parish Council at the meeting. The Clerk will email the Democratic Officer to request a speaking slot.
Developing a strategy for Communicating with the Public. The discussion was postponed until September as Dr Sinnett-Smith, who had requested the item, was absent from the meeting.
Demolition of Existing 3 bed dwelling and erection two detached replacement dwellings
16, Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 1HB
Applicant: A Swallow
The following amendments had been made to the application:
- Changed Windows
- The houses had been moved back 3 m
- The driveway had been raised.
A neighbour informed the meeting that they had written directly to South Cambs District Council expressing concern regarding
- 3 parking spaces for each property was unnecessary causing more noise pollution and the garages were of excessive height
- An extra-large building is being erected in the back garden of the property
- Large bonfires are being lit in the gardens, including burning of builders waste.
5 Councillors were in favour of refusal and 3 abstained. It was RESOLVED that the plans be Refused with the following comments:
- Simple boundary treatment to be agreed with both adjoining properties before permission is granted
- The height of the garages is excessive
- The development is considerably forward of the building line in comparison to other properties
Tailcorn Funding £250.00 LGA 1972 s.142
Clerks Salary £375.92 LGA 1972 s.112(2)
Both payments were authorised.
Correspondence: Heidi Allen, Fire Governance Consultation. It was proposed by Mr Dalton and seconded by Mr Dinsdale the Consultation be discussed and RESOLVD via email.
Report from County and District Councillors
No report was received from the County Councillor.
District Councillor Report: Doug Cattermole
Next Council meeting is on 28th September.
Planning Issues
There were service issues regarding the SCDC planning department previously and there are some issues currently. Response levels have dropped and some callers are being told they will be called back within four days
There was also the issue with the Grove Farm, Haslingfield application which was incorrectly approved. Apparently, there was an administrative error concerning an incorrect keying on the system, so that the application was approved rather than rejected. The Council has apologised and has gone to the High Court to reverse the decision which will take 6-8 weeks. As this was on greenbelt land then there should have been other steps in the process anyway. SCDC is making process changes to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.
Greater Cambridge Planning
The proposal to combine the SCDC and City planning teams may help. The new team may be big enough to provide resilience in terms of staff, expertise in all areas of planning and sufficient career opportunity to make it an attractive place to work. It would provide a single service for everyone with all the economies of scale that you would expect on IT, processes and systems and it would have the capacity to deal with everything it is supposed to do, including the next Local Plan. If it can provide a better service then this may be a good approach to take.
City Deal
The City Deal has been re-branded as Greater Cambridge Partnership and has a new website: It is interesting to note that under the section on the Western Orbital plans there is mention of a new Park & Ride at Trumpington and a possible Park & Cycle at Barton.
Children’s Centres
The County Council is consulting on reducing the number of children’s centres as part of a cost cutting exercise. The plan is to close 19 out of 40 centres. Consultation runs until 22nd September at:
Local Health Services
There is a consultation underway by NHS Cambridge and Peterborough on a reduction in IVF services: This will restrict IVF provision to a few designated health conditions.
Fire Services
There is a consultation underway for the Police and Crime Commissioner to take over the duties of the Fire Authority:
Superfast Broadband
According to the Cambridge Broadband site then superfast broadband is now available in Haslingfield, Harlton and Little Eversden. Issues are still reported in Great Eversden:
Local Trains
These is a consultation on rail services on Thameslink:
It is a bit confusing as Kings Cross trains are now shown as terminating at St Pancras. The changes can be viewed and feedback given.
Next Meetings
Planning, if required, Monday 14th August 2017 and Full Council meeting on Monday 4th September 2017
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.08 pm