Full PC Meeting Minutes: Monday 16th April 2018


Present:  Mr Dalton, Mr Parmar, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Watterson, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Mrs Glasse, Mr Dinsdale and in the Chair Mr Matt Prince.

Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Dinsdale and Cllr Sinnett-Smith.

Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)

A member of the public gallery complained about the inability of Royal Mail to deliver the mail correct of late.  The Clerk will complain on behalf of the Parish.

To approve minutes of Planning meeting on 26th March 2018.

Cllr O’Callaghan proposed the minutes be recorded as a true and accurate record, seconded by Cllr Handley.    The 19th February minutes will be approved at the next meeting.

Declarations of Interest

Cllr Glasse, Cllr Mallows and Cllr Parmar declared an interest in the Recreation Ground.

Matters Arising & Clerks Update

Village Pump

The Clerk had requested 3 quotations; 2 had not been received and one was unable to carry out the work    It was agreed that the Clerk would approach Kingston PC to find out who completed their work.  The Clerk mentioned that a family member had their own business ad maybe able to provide a quote.  As the Clerk has not voting rights it was agreed there was no conflict of interests and to proceed contacting “Hire a Hand” for further quotations.

Tailcorn – Village Survey Results

The results, produced by Cllr Sinnett-Smith will be published in the next edition of Tailcorn.  Cllr  Mallows said that it was difficult to understand in black and white and asked if the Council would fund the additional cost of £160 to produce the tables in colour in a 4 page middle spread in Tailcorn.  Cllr Handley proposed we should pay the extra cost and Cllr O’Callaghan seconded.

Cllr Mallows also asked that the sentence regarding a “Design Competition” be redacted. Cllr Cllr Mallows will contact Cllr Sinnett Smith to make the necessary alterations in time for the Tailcorn deadline.

Cllr Prince asked that all houses be counted when Tailcorn is delivered, so as to ascertain a definitive number.

Trees & Ditches on the Recreation Ground

The Clerk was still awaiting a definitive reply on how has H&S liability if a member of the public injures themselves. Cllr Mallows also asked if a map could be obtained showing boundaries and ownership.

Footpath 22

Cllr Dalton reported that following a letter from the Clerk, work was shortly due to be carried out.

Parish Council Elections

The Clerk reported that the Great Eversden election will be uncontested and there are six candidates for Little.

General Data Protection Regulations

Both Cllr Watterson and Cllr Prince had attended the training by CAPALC.

The Parish council noted its responsibility under the new GDPR and agreed to develop a timetable for compliance taking as its starting point the checklist issued by the Information Commissioners Office.  As a first step the Council agreed to comply with regulations.

The Clerk will email all local Parish Council Clerks to encourage them to sign up for the dedicated CAPALC DPO at a cost of £50 per annum.

The Clerk will investigate encryption software for her external hard-drive.


Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S/1331/17/FL/ for demolition of existing 3 bed dwelling and erect of two detached replacement dwellings.

16 Harlton Road,
Little Eversden
Cambridge, CB23 1HB
Mr Adam Swallow

There were was no-one present in the public gallery regarding this application.  Following discussion Cllr Handley proposed to support the application, seconded by Cllr Dalton.  It was RESOLVED to unanimously SUPPORT, commenting however that the Council were still concerned about the height of the garages.

S/1235/18/FLProposed erection of a live/work unit with associated parking and landscaping including the demolition of silos.
Land East of 12 Church Lane,
Little Eversden,
CB23 1HQ
Mr T Banks, Eversden Construction Ltd

There were several neighbouring residents in the public gallery that objected to the second live/work until, they will respond directly to South Cambridgeshire.

Following lengthy discussion Cllr Glasse proposed to Object to the plans, seconded  Cllr Mallows.  It was RESOLVED to Object to the plans with the following comments:

  •  Church Lane is a very narrow residential street and further development would be inappropriate and dangerous;
  • The development may be outside the Village envelope;
  • The original plan S/2512/15 is compromised due to the loss of garden for the new unit;
  • The new application allows parking alongside the Church Wall – creating 12 parking spaces which is overcrowding given the size of the residential area.


Connections Bus               £2295.00                            LGA 1972 s.19
CPALC                                   £70.00                                 LGA 1972 s.142
Clerks Salary                       £320.59                               LGA 1972 s.112(2)
Localender (Dave Farnell) £22.45                              LGA 1972 s.142

All Finance payments were approved.


The South Cambridgeshire Plan was circulated.

District and County Councillor Reports

No reports received.

Next Meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 30th April and Annual Parish Council meeting on Monday 14th May 2018.

The Chair closed the meeting at 9:20 pm.




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