Unconfirmed PC Meeting: Monday 8th January 2018
Present: Mr Clive Dalton, Mr Steve Dinsdale, Mr Carol Handley, Mrs Sue Glasse, Mrs Cathie Mallows, Dr Stephen Watterson and in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince.
Apologies for Absence were received and accepted from Mr Yogendra Parmar and Dr Patrick SInnett-Smith
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
Mr Mallows asked if the Clerk had received a response from Brian Heffernan regarding the ditch in Buck’s Lane. The Clerk will chase and report back at the next meeting.
To approve minutes of 11th December 2017. These were accepted by Mr Dinsdale and seconded by Mrs Mallows.
Declarations of Interest
Mrs Mallows and Mrs Glasse for the Recreation Ground.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
The Clerk had received an email via the website regarding a request for Speedwatch in High Street, Little Eversden. Rev Fraser was in the public gallery at the meeting and the Clerk agreed with him to forward the email for an initial assessment to completed.
An email was also received from a resident in Wimpole Road with regard to the riparian ownership of the ditches. The Clerk will forward the email to the Chair and he will take it forward.
The Clerk informed the meeting that Cambridge Water had contacted her with regard to the depositing of the spoil in Wimpole Road once the work starts. The proposed sites are not suitable therefore they have suggested the Recreation Ground car park. The Clerk will forward Derek Blatch’s details to Cambridge Water to discuss.
OSP148 once again does not appear on the Planning Committee for January. The Clerk will contact Accent Nene for an update.
The Clerk has now spoken to the landowner regarding the entrance to Pound Drift. It was agreed that once the entrance had dried out then hardcore would be tipped to make the footpath more accessible.
Village Questionnaire
The Clerk and Mrs Mallows had completed the questionnaire and it was agreed that it should be distributed in the near future. The Clerk had agreed with the Village Hall Committee that their flyer for 2nd February could be circulated at the same time.
- It was RESOLVED that Mr Watterson would check that the Data Protection statement was correct before printing took place.
Other minor issues surrounding the wording were adjusted so that we achieve the best feedback.
It was agreed that the Questionnaire would be hand delivered and collected although collection boxes would be placed in St Mary’s and the Old Church School if people wanted to return them.
Final comments would be sent to the Clerk by close of play Friday 12th January.
Connections Bus
Following the latest figures received from the Connections Bus for the Autumn term it was RESOLVED that we would continue to support the bus for a year.
Budget and Precept
- It was RESOLVED to increase the Tailcorn grant from £250.00 per annum to £500.00.
£2000 Per annum has been granted to the Village Hall
We have ring fenced £600 for the LHI bid for the A603.
£1000 has been carried over for the War Memorial
£1000 has been allocated for the May District and Parish Council elections.
£3500 for contingencies.
With these calculations it was RESOLVED to request a precept the same as this year of £26458.00
Connections Bus Sept – Dec £3060.00 LGA 1972 s.19
Village Hall Committee £2000.00 LGA 1972 s.124
The above payments were APPROVED.
The Clerk circulated the Annual Fire and Rescue report.
Next Meetings: Planning, if required on Monday 22nd January and 5th February and Full Parish Council, Monday 19th February 2018.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9:30 pm.