Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting:: Monday 8th February 2021

Minutes of Extraordinary meeting held via Zoom on Monday 8th February 20201 following the Planning Meeting

Present: Mrs Glasse; Mr Oliver; Ms O’Callaghan; Mr Dinsdale; Mrs Mallows; Mr Brown; Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

The Chair opened the meeting at 20:40 pm.

Apologies for the absence: Mrs Edwards and Mr Dalton.

Declarations of Interest: Mrs Mallows for Item 4 and Mr Prince, Mr Watterson and Mr Oliver for EWR items.

1. Discussion and Resolution for monies towards further EWR leaflets and contribution to Legal Action by Cambridge Approaches.
Cambridge Approaches has instructed Solicitors who have had preliminary communications with EWR. CA are currently preparing for the possibility of challenging either the consultation or decision via a judicial review process. The shape of that will depend on the consultation document. Cambridge Approaches are looking for financial support from PCs and non Parish Council donors. Under S137 we have £5,549 this year, we have currently spent £1k on signage. With regard to VAT it was agreed that this would not be part of the spend as this would affect the S137 budget allocation.
It was unanimously agreed to allocate £4000 from 2020/2021 budget towards the legal EWR fund.

2. To discuss and vote on a unified letter from Parish Councils, in the East West Rail Option E arc, to the Department of Transport The Council voted unanimously in favour of the unified letter from Parish Councils to East West Rail that we, the undersigned, request that the Department for Transport ensures that the proposal for a Northern route for the Central Section of the East West Rail, such as that proposed by CamBedRailRoad with widespread support amongst residents of South Cambridgeshire, is fairly evaluated at the same time and to the same degree as alternative routes proposed by East West Rail Company.

3. To appoint Parish Council representatives to an oversight meeting of Cambridge Approaches on 11th February
Mr Watterson is already attending the meeting on 11th as he is presenting on behalf of Cambridge Approaches. Mr Dinsdale proposed that Mr Watterson and Mr Prince should attend as representatives from Eversden Parish Council. The Council voted unanimously if favour of this proposal. Ms O’Callaghan would also attend once timing is agreed.

4. Approval of Tailcorn Article
Mr Prince had worries that distributing leaflets was not a good idea given the pandemic. Mrs Mallows indicated that she had sought advice from both SCDC Environmental Health and the Covid 19 Committee who had given her the go ahead to publish and distribute Tailcorn with all the appropriate precautions; retained in boxes for several days, delivery people kept to a minimum and given sanitizer, gloves and masks.
Mr Dinsdale felt the risk assessment had been done and that the relevant precautions had been taken. Mrs Mallows will also give residents the option to opt out via Eversden online. The Chair asked that Mrs Mallows share her information with the Cambridge Approaches group regarding their leaflet delivery. The Clerk confirmed that the article could be sent to Mrs Mallows.

The Clerk asked if she could renew the online fee for Cambridgeshire ACRE and put on the agenda for 22nd

February 2021. The Chair closed the meeting at 21:01 pm.

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