Full PC Meeting Agenda: Monday 16th April 2018
ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL are summoned to a PARISH COUNCIL meeting to be held in the Pavilion on Monday 16th April 2018
Apologies for Absence
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
To approve minutes of Planning meeting on 26th March 2018.
Declarations of Interest
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
- Village Pump
- Tailcorn – Village Survey Results
- Trees & Ditches on the Recreation Ground
- Footpath 22
- Parish Council Elections
General Data Protection Regulations
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S/1331/17/FL/ for demolition of existing 3 bed dwelling and erect of two detached replacement dwellings.
16 Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambride, CB23 1HB
Mr Adam Swallow
Proposed erection of live/work unit with associated parking and landscaping including
demolition of silos.
Land east of 12 Church Lane, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HQ
Mr T Banks, Eversden Construction Ltd
Connections Bus £2295.00 LGA 1972 s.19
CPALC £70.00 LGA 1972 s.142
Clerks Salary TBC LGA 1972 s.112(2)
Localender (Dave Farnell) £22.45 LGA 1972 s.142
District and County Councillor Reports
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 30th April and Annual Parish Council meeting on Monday 14th May 2018.