Planning Meeting: Monday 20th April 2020
Minutes of PLANNING meeting held via Zoom on Monday 20th April 2020 at 8 pm
In attendance via Zoom were: Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mrs O’Callaghan, Mr Dinsdale, Mr Prince, Mr Oliver, Mrs Mallows.
Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Handley, Mr Dalton and Mr Watterson.
Declarations of interest were declared by Mr Oliver and Mr Prince recused himself as an immediate neighbour. Mrs Glasse declared an interest in Item 3 as a neighbour.
28 Lowfields Little Eversden Cambridge
Change of use of existing farm access from agricultural land to residential use and construction of detached double garage (Re-submission of S/4118/18/FL)
The Council discussed the application, the applicant had stated that the plans were the same as another property in the street, however the Council agreed that the proximity was very different. It was discussed that No 26 was quite compromised with 2 facing windows and very close to adjacent property therefore being very intrusive and affecting the light. Councillors did comment that the garage appeared to be on the wrong side. The previous application in 2018 was unanimously OBJECTED on the grounds of scale and harm to neighbouring properties.
It was RESOLVED to Object, 5:2 in favour, on grounds of proximity to No 26. The Council acknowledged that they have downsized the plans however there is still concern about impact and amenity for No 26. We feel that comparison with other properties is not relevant due proximity.
Paradise Barns Bucks Lane Little Eversden
Underpinning and related repairs/making good to an ancillary building within the curtilage
Mr Prince recused himself from this item and left the meeting along with Mr Oliver as this item is his application, Mr Dinsdale took over a chair. Following discussion Mr Dinsdale proposed to SUPPORT the application. This was agreed unanimously with no comments.
No further applications were received.
The meeting closed at 20:24 pm.