Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 5th October 2020

Minutes of PLANNING meeting held via Zoom on Monday 5th October 2020 at 8 pm

Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mr Dalton, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Oliver and, in the Chair, Mr Prince

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Edwards, Mrs Handley and Mr Watterson.

2. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Reference:20/03910/HFUL
Proposal: Demolition of existing two storey rear extension, conservatory, side porches and chimney stack. Erection of replacement part two storey, part single storey rear/side extension and new front porch. Alterations and replacement of existing windows and doors, installation of roof lights, replacement of external render and associated internal alterations. Resubmission of S/4233/19/FL.
11 Chapel Road Great Eversden CB23 1HP

Following discussion, the Council unanimously voted to SUPPORT the application with no comments.

4. Reference: 20/02384/S73 and 20/03972/S19LB
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S/1994/18/FL & S/1995/18/LB
Church Farm Church Lane Little Eversden

According to a member of the public, the plans show an increase of 4x6m in the footprint, . After discussion it was agreed to submit the comments from the previous application in June 2020 together with the addition of the comment that the new plans submitted do no accurately match the boundary or Land Registry entry for the plot. It was agreed to unanimously OBJECT to the application on grounds of size.

5. There were no further planning application received after the published agenda.

The Chair closed the meeting at 20.26 pm.

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