Planning Minutes: Monday 18th September 2017

PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING on Monday 18th September 2017 in the Pavilion at 8 pm


  1. Apologies for Absence were received and accepted from Patrick Sinnett-Smith.


  1. There were no Declarations of Interest


  1. Pre Planning Application

59 Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge

Erection of 2.1m Victorian Lampost

Applicant: Mr Mazur


Mr Mazur attended the meeting and outlined his proposal to the Council  He would had spoken to SCDC and they had informed him that full planning permission was required, togher with elevation drawing and a report from a qualified lighting engineer.  Mr Mazur was unsure how to proceed.


Mr Dinsdale suggested that Mr Mazur contact MLM Consultating who would be able to help with the entire project.  Mr Mazur thanked the Council for their time.


  1. S/1331/17/FL

16, Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 1HB

Demolition of Existing 3 bed dwelling and erection two detached replacement dwellings

Applicant: Mr A Swallow


The amended plans were discussed again by the Council, however it was still felt that the heigh of the garages was excessive in front of the houses.  It was RESOLVED that the proposal be REJECTED with one abstention.


The Chair closed the meeting at 8:21 pm.


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