PC Minutes – Monday 20th February 2017
Present:, Mrs Carolyn Alexander, Mr Clive Dalton, Mrs Sue Glasse, Mrs Carol Handley, Ms Kieran O’Callaghan, Mr Steve Dinsdale, Dr Sinnett-Smith, and, in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince
1. Apologies for Absence were received and accepted from Dr Colin Russell.
2. Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
Ms Sach asked for it to be recorded that the Little Eversden Parish Meeting on Monday 6th March will be held in the Pavilion.
Mrs Tebbit asked if a Litter Picking activity could be arranged in the Village again this year. It was agreed that it would take place on Saturday 18 March. The Clerk will arrange for the equipment to be delivered to Red House Farm.
There is a large pothole on the left hand side of Harlton Road going out of the Village before the Doctors surgery. This should be reported by residents on the pothole website at https://highwaysreporting.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/
3. To approve minutes of Monday 9th January 2017, Monday 23rd January 2017 and Monday 6th February 2017
Monday 9th January: Mrs Glasse asked that Paragraph 7 be amended to read that the Recreation Ground is “looking into “ordering not “have ordered”.
Mr Dalton proposed to approve the minutes and Mrs Handley seconded.
Monday23rd January: Mrs Glasse proposed to approve the minutes and this was seconded by Mr Prince.
Monday 6th February: Dr Sinnett-Smith proposed to approve the minutes and seconded by Mrs Glasse.
4. There were no Declarations of Interest
5. Matters Arising & Clerks Upate
a. Emergency Planning: Dr Sinnett-Smith will collect keyholders and gatekeeper details and
b. finalise the Emergency Plan. An article will then be put in Tailcorn announcing the Plan.
c. WEEE Recycling: It was agreed that the Clerk would book a further collection date.
d. Local Liaison Forum Update: Cllr Dalton updated the meeting on the recent Local Liaison
Forum meeting he had attended regarding the proposed Cambourne-Cambridge busway.
e. Appointment of Auditors: Following guidance from CAPALC, Mr Dalton proposed that the
Parish Council opt into the national scheme for the appointment of auditors. This was
seconded by Ms O’Callaghan and RESOLVED unanimously.
f. Authorisation for Planning Committee: Mrs Handley proposed that Mr Prince speak on
behalf of the Parish Council at the forthcoming Planning Committee regarding OSP148. This
was seconded by Mr Dalton.
g. Village Hall Request: Mr Prince requested permission to write to the Village Hall Committee
to store the Parish Council filing cabinet underneath the southern staircare and fix a door on
it to form a locked room. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to the Mr Dalton as
Village Hall representative seeking permission.
h. Connections Bus Discussion: Following Mr Prince’s email it was RESOLVED that the Clerk
would contact neighbourning Parishes to see if there was any interest in sharing resources
for a youth worker. Mrs Glasse will contact the Connections Bus to ascertain if other times
were available.
i. The Clerk informed the meeting
i. Staples have terminated their Business Account;
ii. Parish Council Elections will take place in 2018
iii. Cambridge University Scout and Guide Club will be running a day-long incident hike through the Village on Saturday 4th March.
6. Planning
Development to provide 10 new affordable houses
Land to the North of Church Street, Gt Eversden, known as OSP148
The Parish Council unanimously RESOLVED “No Objection” to the revised landscaping plans. However with the comment that the curved road was the preferred option.
Erection of a single storey oak-framed outbuilding
42A Wimpole Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HR
Mr & Dr Hoyle
Mr Hoyle attended the meeting. Following discussion Dr Sinnett-Smith proposed that the Council vote “No Recommendation” with the comment that the height and scale of the building is a concern. This was seconded by Mrs Handley and the vote passed.
Existing Single Storey garage to be demolished and replaced with a two storey extension and a new double garage.
13A Finchs Field, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HG
Mr & Mrs Paul Bibby
13a Finches Field
Little Eversden
The Council RESOLVED to “Object” commenting that the development could cause material harm due to overshadowing and the layout density of building. Ms Alexander abstained from voting.
7. Finance
Connections Bus £3535.00 LGA 972 s.19
Cambridgeshire County Council (Street Lighting) £ 280.65 PCA 1957 s.3
Clerk’s Salary & Expenses £581.29 LGA 1972 s.112(2)
Eversden Churches Grant £1200.00 LGA 1972 s.124
8. Correspondence
a. Agenda Item via Eversden On Line – Condition of Wimpole Road. It was resolved that the Council would ask residents of Wimpole Road to contact the Highways Agency en masse and log potholes in Wimpole Road at https://highwaysreporting.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/
9. Report from County and District Councillors
Unfortunately neither Cllr Kindersley or Cllr Cattermole could attend the meeting. Their reports were circulated to the Council via email.
10. Next Meetings
Monday 6th March, Little Eversden Parish Meeting, Monday 13th & Monday 27th March, Planning, if required. Monday 3rd April, Great Eversden Parish Meeting, Monday 10th April, Full Parish Council meeting. All at 8 pm.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.24 pm.