Parish Council Meeting Minutes: Monday 25th November 2019

MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL held in the Pavilion on Monday 25th November 2019 at 8 pm

Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Oliver.

Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)

It was noted that dropped kerbs were being put at the top of High Street/Harlton Road, Little.  The applicant was in the public gallery.  One is at the top of the High Street to create better access into the field, the second is adjacent to 4 High Street.  The process to obtain permission is via the Cambridgeshire County Council website.  According to CCC, as The High Street is an unclassified road, planning permission is not required.

The minutes of Planning on 23rd September 2019 were agreed as an accurate ad true record.  Mrs Glasse requested that 5d read “The Chair pressed for a copy within 48 hours” as opposed to “The Chair asked for a copy” in the full Parish Council on 14th October 2019.  The Clerk will amend and reissue for approval at the next meeting.

Mr Prince declared an Interest in Item 12.

Matters Arising & Clerks Update

    1. The Fossey Charitable Trust Land is ongoing.
    2. Recreation Ground Constitution and Latest Minutes.  Mrs Glasse from the Recreation Committee read the following statement

“We feel that there has been a lack of clarity from the Parish Council on how the Rec Committee’s request to change the constitution has progressed coupled with the timing of the PC meeting in September where Mrs Glasse was absent.

The Rec Trustees voted to change the Constitution to say we had to have 1 member of the PC as a Trusteee instead of 3 in our meeting of 24th January 2019.

There was some confusion and questions asked about who the members of the Recreation Area are and these were investigated by the Rec and confirmed with the Charities Commission.

At the PC meeting in July the proposed change to the Constitution was discussed and the minutes say that the PC members on the Rec Committee be reduced from 3 to 1.

Following this, the Rec understood that this meant that the PC had agreed to the change so requested the change to the Charities Commission.

The actions that the Recreation Committee has carried out have been done in line with what they understood to have been agreed by the PC. There has been no intention to carry out a change behind the PC’s back.

Could the PC explain exactly what actions should now be taken and maybe have a vote themselves on the change to the Consitutition given that, on reflection of reading the minutes of the meeting in July, this seems to be something which would have made this more clear?

Following discussion the PC unanimously agreed to ratify the decision to change the Constitution and accepted this on the basis that regular signed minutes of meetings were forward to the PC and that an update was given at each meeting, this would enable transparency in all decision making.

It was agreed that the same would apply for the Village Hall.

Village Hall Latest Minutes were circulated.  Planning permission regarding the container was questioned and the VH Committee now have to wait 21 days after notifying South Cambs of the intention to submit a planning application as they are the land owners.   The hedges in the car park need cutting back and the VH have obtained a quotation for £1k. It was requested they seek a further 2 quotations.

Dates for 2020 were circulated to all present.  Councillors will check dates and they will be confirmed at the next meeting.

Light Installation Quotation in Parish Council Cupboard in Village Hall had been received from AG Electrical to fit a light into the new PC storage cupboard.  The quotation was approved by the Council and the Clerk will inform AG Electrical as well as seek approval with SCDC as the Village Hall is a listed building.

Public Space Preservation Order (including dog fencing).  Having received information from the local PCSO it was unanimously agreed to apply for a PSPO on the Recreation Ground, failure to comply with the order can result in a fine or a fixed penalty notice.  Mrs Glasse, as a member of the Recreation Ground Committee, formally requested the PC proceed with the Preservation Order.

Connections Bus (Decision on 2020 Funding). Mr Dinsdale had circulated attendance figures prior to the meeting.  The Clerk reported that next year the bus will go up 5% to £274 per session.  It was agreed to fund the Bus for a further term in the new year but to see if we can generate promotion of the bus within the village to raise attendance.

Clerks Pension:  The Clerk indicated that she did not want a pension when asked by the Chair.

Draft Budget and Precept.  The first draft of the budget was circulated by the Clerk and Councillors were asked to take this away and inform the Clerk if there were any further additions.  The Precept needs to be agreed at the January meeting in order to make SCDC’s 20th January deadline.


Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development – proposed storage building
Holbeins Farm, Kingston Road, Great Ever, Holbeins Farmyard, Kingston Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HT, Mr Paul Tebbit, K.B.Tebbit Ltd
Further to discussion it was proposed NO RECOMMENDATION.  This was carried with 2 abstentions.

Construction of a secure agricultural equipment store
Winrose Farm, 1 Bucks Lane, Little Eversden, Cambridge
Cambridgeshire, CB23 1HL
Mrs D McCollum

Mr Prince left the room as the applicant is a neighbour. The applicant was in attendance and informed the meeting that the previous application had been withdrawn and reissued on advice from the Planning Officer so as not to block the view of the Dovecote and Barn.  The new plans are slightly smaller.   Councillor voted unanimously to SUPPORT the application.

Tailcorn                                                               £250.00                               LGA 1972 s.142
Balens Handbell Insurance                            £127.40                               LGA 1972 s.143i
M Prince: Land Registry Charges                 £27.00                                 LGA 1972 s.111

Correspondence was received from SCDC requesting rough sleepers in the Parish between 21/22nd November, the Clerk will record a nil return.

It had also been requested that the PC obtain a quotation to cut the beech hedge near the Village Sign.  This was agreed and the Clerk would obtain quotations.

District and County Councillor Reports.

Both Councillors were in attendance and gave reports.  These will be circulated via Eversden online and the website in due course.

Next Meetings: Planning on 2nd & 16th December 2019, if necessary and full Parish Council on Monday 6th January 2020.

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