Unconfirmed PC Minutes – 19th January 2015




Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Handley, Ms Hoar, Mrs Glasse, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Spencer, and in the Chair, Mr Tebbit.

Apologies Mr Dalton and Mr Prince.

The minutes of 15th December 2014 were approved as an accurate record.

Public Participation

Mrs Webster asked if signage could be added to the 30 mph road signs to enforce the reduced speed limit. Other villages display a “Community Speedwatch Operates in this area” sign. The Clerk will speak to the Community Police who helped us set up speedwatch initially.

Miss Sach thanked the Village Hall and Parish Council for the Noticeboard for Great Eversden. She asked whether the Parish Council would consider renovating the Village Sign as it is now 12 years old and starting to show its age. Dave Farnell had spoken with Harry Stebbings, the contractor who made the noticeboard, and asked if he would initially look at the sign and give an opinion. The Clerk will add to the next full agenda and contact Mr Stebbings.

The Clerk reported that Mrs Rolph had contacted her to say how pleased they were with the ‘electrical’ collection made yesterday and asked now how often it will happen. The Clerk will contact the company for feedback and it is envisaged to run another collection in six months.

There were no Declarations of Interest.

Matters Arising
Community Right to Bid
The Clerk reported that The Hoops and the Field Off Bucks Lane (Watlands) had been registered as Community Assets but OSP 148 had not on the grounds that the principal use of the asset does not further the social wellbeing, or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community.

The Clerk reported that the payment had been returned from the bank due to an error on the mandate signature and SCDC were reissuing via BACS.

Mr Tebbit reported that as St Mary’s War Memorial was funded by public subscription it is therefore under the ownership of the Parish Council.   Rev Fraser is also discussing the Memorial this evening at his meeting. Mr Tebbit proposed that jointly the Parish Council and the Church seeks advice on renovating the Memorial and do whatever necessary. This was unanimously agreed.

The Clerk reported that the Street Lighting discrepancy had been resolved. There was no overcharge made, simply an error in the printing of the dates.

The Chair reported that, for reasons unknown, OSP 148 did not go to Planning Committee in January and was likely to be on the agenda on 4th March.

Parish Planning Training Programme
Ms O’Callaghan will attend Session 1 on 27th January and Mrs Glasse will attend Session 2 on 12th March. Mrs Pritchard will try to attend both sessions. The Clerk will inform SCDC.

Councillors Report
Cllr Kindersley reported that 2,350 houses had been approved between Cambourne and Caxton Gibbet to include secondary and primary schools.

The City Deal Assembly has now met and agreed which infrastructure projects will go before the Panel, with the exception, unfortunately, of the cycle way from Cambourne to Bourn.

Cllr Kindersley encouraged Parish Council to complete Article 4. This was legislation that stopped pubs have their usage changed within the same class use without planning application.

Mrs Pritchard asked if there was any news on when the No 75 bus service would continue their 1st and last service at Drummer Street rather than terminating at the P&R. Cllr Kindersley did not have the information and the Clerk will email Passenger Transport to find out.

There was no report from Cllr Page.

Budget & Precept

Mr Tebbit reported that the budget and precept aimed to gradually build up our reserves so that we have a year’s expenditure in hand.

The Connections Bus, the largest outlay, was discussed in depth and reports received from the Connections Bus were read by the Clerk detailing attendance. The increase for 2015/2016 is £5 per session with an average of 15 young people attending each session.

Mr Dinsdale proposed that the Parish Council continue to support the bus for the full 3 terms. This was unanimously agreed. However, the Council agreed that it would be added to the agenda for the Annual Parish Meetings of both Little and Great Eversden for the public to debate for future decisions.   The Clerk will inform the Connections Bus of their decision to continue funding for this year.

Mrs Glasse asked for a further £500 per year on the Recreation Ground precept to cover ongoing large projects. The Council asked to see account information from the Recreation Ground and in the meantime would prefer to accept one-off requests for extra funding.

Mrs Glasse will forward further information to the Clerk on the drainage issues at the Recreation Ground who will, in turn, contact SCDC S106 department to see if this would be an acceptable use of the money.

Mr Dinsdale proposed that the Precept be set at £26,458, the same as last year. This was seconded by Mrs Spencer and Mrs Handley. The motion was unanimously carried.

Cheques agreed for payment
Connections Bus Project £3185.00 LGA 1976 s.19
Staples £58.99 LGA 1972 s.226

S/2919/14/FL – 23 High Street, Little Eversden, CB23 1HE, Mr Otter
Following discussion the motion was carried to Refuse the application, proposed by Mrs Glasse and seconded by Ms O’Callaghan and Ms Hoar. 3 members voted for No Objections with Comments and one abstained.
The comments were:
Preserve the hedge on the High Street frontage
New build not precisely on footprint of old as apparently implied under the Design Proposal in the Access Statement.
2 storey garage out of keeping with surrounding areas.

a) A member of the public had written regarding the Fibre Optic Connection. Mr Tebbit informed the meeting that the Parishioners experience was the same as his, at the time of applying he was informed that the telecoms box was full and had to wait until a place became available.
b) Cambridge Rambling Club – unfortunately there was no time to submit a proposal.
c) New Year 2016 Honours Nominations – nominations to be forwarded to the Clerk before the deadline.
d) Garden Party Buckingham Palace, 12th May – nominations to be forwarded to the Clerk.
e) SCDC Consultation on Article 4 – Agreed that the PC will support this formally. In addition forms were circulated to Parish Councillors and Mr Tebbit will display on the noticeboards and the Clerk will circulate via Eversden online.

Next Meeting
Monday 2nd February and Monday 16th February 2015 at 8 pm, Planning, if required.
Monday 2nd March 2015, Little Eversden Parish Meeting
Monday 9th March 2015, Parish Council Meeting at 8 pm.

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