Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 24th August 2020
Minutes of PLANNING meeting held via Zoom on Monday 24th August 2020 at 8 pm
Present: Mrs Mallows; Ms O’Callaghan; Mrs Glasse; Mr Dinsdale; Mrs Edwards and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Handley and Mr Watterson.
2. There were no Declarations of Interest.
3. Reference: 20/03148/S73
Proposal: Variation of condition 15 (occupation of the dwelling) of planning permission S/1524/93/F
Site address: Land Off Wheelers Way Little Eversden Cambridge
Following discussion, it was voted unanimously to OBJECT to the application. The application seeks to lift the local connection condition and as the last Housing Needs Survey by Cambridgeshire ACRE identified 12 local connection properties were required the Council object to any dilution of this condition. The need for local housing is so great that more affordable housing is trying to be built.
4. Reference: 20/03111/HFUL
Proposal: Proposed front, side and rear single storey extensions, new porch with attached new double garage
Site address: 10 High Street Little Eversden CB23 1HE
It was voted to SUPPORT the application. As the garage is forward on the plot the Council requested the condition that traffic was encouraged to access and leave the property in a forward gear due to the vicinity of the opposite junction.
5. There were no other planning application received after the published agenda.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8:27 pm.