Parish Council Meeting: Monday 10th August 2015
Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Pritchard and in the Chair, Mr Tebbit
Apologies for absence were received from Mr Prince and Mrs Hoar
The minutes of the 29th June 2015 were approved as accurate and correct.
Open Forum for Public Participation
Mr Bridgewater asked how to complain about the bad repairs that were carried out before the road was resurfaced, especially near Low Close in Little Eversden. Mr Tebbit agreed that the Parish Council would write to Highways Agency complaining about the repairs as well as asking what the policy is with regard to the road markings, as these have yet to be completed. Mrs Pritchard suggested that we ask for the central white line not to be reinstated as it traffic is slower without it. It was resolved that this would be included in the letter. It was also agreed that we would request verge cutting only be carried out on junctions and bends.
Mrs Webster asked who was responsible for clearing the ditch beside her property. Mr Tebbit and Mr Dalton both agreed this was an awarded ditch, meaning it was the responsibility of South Cambridgeshire District. Mr Tebbit would forward Mr Pat Matthews details to Mrs Webster.
Mr Dinsdale addressed the meeting on behalf of a member of the public who had applied for a grant to tidy up the area of land at the bottom of Wheelers Way. Mr Tebbit said that the land was owned by the late David Ellis and that permission should be sought from Mr Ellis’ daughter, who is now responsible for the land.
No Declarations of Interest were received.
Matters Arising and Clerks Report
Speedwatch Signage: Currently awaiting signage. It was reported that there is difficulty in obtaining the camera regularly due to the amount of Villages it covers. Mr Tebbit indicated there was talk of a possible joint venture with Wimpole to buy the equipment at a cost of approx £2k. Mrs Webster asked how frequently we should have the sessions, some felt fortnightly although there was no concensus of opinion.
Village Sign MrTebbit reported that the sign has been removed and is drying out in the barns ready for collection and refurbishment by Harry Stebbings Workshop.
Local Highways Inititive SCDC are currently accepting new LHI bids. It was suggested that we submit a bid to resurface some of the footpaths within the Village. Cllr Kindersley, in attendance, suggested that we investigate whether our S106 money could be used for this purpose. The Clerk will put together the necessary LHI forms as well as contact SCDC re the 106 funding in time for for the September meeting.
OSP 148 Update There has been no progress as SCDC are still working on the Unilateral Undertaking, this is a document similar to a S106, however as the Local Authority own the land they can’t put the S106 responsibilities onto themselves so they use a Unilateral Undertaking.
WEEE Recycling Collection The electrical recycling collection on Monday 3rd August collected 3,733 kg of waste raising a further £140.36.
The Clerk informed the meeting that all action points from May and June had now been completed.
We had received a letter from the War Memorial Grants informing us that we would be eligible for part of the grant but would have to adapt the methods used to receive the full funding. The Clerk will circulate the full email and add to the September agenda to discuss in more detail.
The Clerk also reported that a letter had been received from Cambridgeshire County Council regarding grass cutting. It will be circulated and added to the September agenda.
Finally, following an extremely loud bang in the Village, the Clerk will write to the Firework Factory and ask if they could publish their dates of controlled explosions.
Report from Councillor Kindersley
Following circulation of Cllr Kindersley’s July report he briefly updated the Council on the ongoing issues.
The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan has been suspended and a public consultation will take place in November before being resubmitted in February 2016. 3,000 applications for speculative housing (i.e. that not included in the plan) have currently been received along with 1,000 pre-applications.
The development at Barrington is currently with lawyers over the £5 million S106 money as an area of the quarry recently flooded leaving behind a cement-like residue!
Recent changes to the law prevented the Local Authority taking S106 money for 10 homes or less, however following a judicial review this has now been overturned and this has now been changed to 3 homes.
South Cambs are currently looked at electoral boundary changes and they may reduce their District Councillors from 69 to 63.
There was no report received from Councillor Page.
Councillor Vacancy
Following the Vacancy Notice being posted for the required time, SCDC informed the Clerk that the Vacancy could be co-opted.
Mr Tebbit proposed Mrs Judith Webster and this was seconded by Mrs Handley, Ms O’Callaghan and Mr Dalton.
As Mrs Webster was the only nomination, she was elected to the Parish Council as a Great Eversden Councillor following Gemma Spencer’s resignation.
The Clerk will contact Mrs Webster to complete the necessary paperwork before the September meeting.
Request to Gate the Mare Way
Following a request after the last meeting for further information, the Clerk had circulated an email and sketch from Mr Banks regarding the gating of the Mare Ware. Mr Tebbit will draft a response for the Council’s approval and comment.
Childrens Play Area
The complaint about the condition of the Children Play Area was discussed. They thanked the member of the public for raising the concerns although felt strongly that the Recreation Ground Committee were doing all that they could, given that the Committee is voluntarily run and more offers of help are always welcome to deal with this type of issue. A recent external check of the Recreation Ground found it was compliant with Health and Safety legislation. The Clerk will reply to the correspondence.
Flooding & Hedges Resolution
Mr Tebbit had circulated a resolution prior to the meeting for Councillors to consider. He felt that a clear policy was needed by the Council on uncooperative riparian owners of poorly maintained ditches and culverts as well as overgrown trees or hedges. The following resolution was proposed and unanimously agreed as follows: “The Eversdens Parish Council will make every effort to ensure property and riparian owners fulfil their responsiblities”
Connections Bus (April – July) £3,250.00 LGA 1976 s.19
Recreation Ground Insurance £2,019.88 PHA 1875 s.154
Recreation Ground Grant £2,000.00 PHA 1875 s.154
Clerks Pay £424.34 LGA 1972 s.112(2)
The above payments were all approved by the Council for payment.
S/1626/15/FL, 3 Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 1HB
The plans were discussed and Mr Dalton proposed a recommendation of “No Objection”, this was seconded by Mr Dinsdale. The Council voted, 5 in favour and one absention to recommend No Objection.
Correspondence Received
The Clerk circulated the table outlining all correspondence received before the meeting. The Clerk updated the meeting that the SmartWater signs had been received from Cambridgeshire Constabulary for display in the Village following Operation Oaklands.
Date of Next Meeting
24th August and 7th September, Planning, if necessary and 21st September 2015, Full Parish Council Meeting.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9:27 pm.