Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 4th May 2020

Minutes of the PLANNING meeting, held via Zoom,  on Monday 4th May 2020 at 8 pm

Present: Mr Watterson, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Mallows Mr Dinsdale, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Prince, Mr Oliver

 Apologies for Absence: Mrs Carol Handley.

Declarations of Interest: None received.

Proposal: Single storey rear extension
6 Wimpole Road Great Eversden CB23 1HR

Concerns were raised about the scale of the build, particularly given the proximity to the adjacent property.  The Parish Council wanted to ensure that neighbours had been consulted properly.  Ms O’Callaghan would contact Mr Beynon at Rectory Farm to ensure he was aware of the plans.  There was also concern that the access to the site if approved would be quite challenging. It was RESOLVED to unanimously vote NO RECOMMENDATION with the above comments.

Correspondence received by the Clerk regarding Wimpole Road.

The Clerk had received an email from a member of the public regarding illegal obstructions to the verges in Wimpole Road.  Mr Dinsdale had consulted with Highways and in the first instance the complainant should report the obstruction using the Highways online fault reporting system.  In the reply the Clerk was asked to highlight that the obstructons were to discourage parking which, in itself, caused an obstruction as Merry’s Farm is a working farm and vehicles are parked at their own risk due to wide loads using the road.  The Clerk was also asked to point out that under Government guidance you are advised to stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible and not to travel unnecessarily.

Ms O’Callaghan informed the Council that they had been an incident where a dog had been injured at the bottom of Wimpole Road.  Fortunately, the dog was carried to help, however it did raise the issue of access for Emergency Services and Ambulances if need be.  The Clerk will contact PX farm to obtain the gate codes.

The meeting was closed at 8.35 pm.

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