Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 25th March 2019
8 pm
Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Prince, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton.
- Apologies for Absence were received from Michael Oliver.
- The whole PC declared an interest in Item 4.
- S/0816/19/PA
Prior approval for a single storey rear extension
36, Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HB}
Mr Smith
This was a prior approval application, the Council therefore returned NO COMMENT. - S/0376/19/FL
Demolition of existing sports pavilion and building new sports pavilion
Eversden Recreation Ground, HARLTON ROAD, LITTLE EVERSDEN, Cambridgeshire, CB23 1HAA member of the public gallery asked to speak regarding the application. He felt the Village were loosing out on a better facility as the plans did not incorporate a community wing. Mr Blatch, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, said that the existing pavilion had been condemned and that therefore were specific regulations set down by the Football Association that new pavilions had to comply with. There is nothing to stop a community wing being added after the initial build. The Council recommended to SUPPORT the application.
- S/0824/19/FL & S/0825/19/LB
Alter dressing room into new ensuite bathroom in existing Listed Building. Add stiarcase to mezzanine floor in rear extension.
Merrys Farm House, 17 Wimpole Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HR
Mr Tom JackFurther to discussion there was a proposed of NO RECOMMENDATION by Mr Prince which was seconded by Mrs Edwards. The Clerk was asked to add to the comments that it would be helpful to have a chain of changes for the property as the Council had now lost track of the alterations to the property. It was suggested that the case planning officer take an interest and make a decision on the plans.
No further plans were received and the meeting closed at 8.34 pm.