Unconfirmed PC Minutes: Monday 4th April 2016


Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Prince, Mrs Webster, and in the Chair, Mrs Handley.

Apologies for Absence were accepted from Mrs Pritchard and Mr Tebbit.

Minutes of Previous Meeting


Acceptance of the minutes of 29th February were proposed by Mr Dalton, seconded by Mr Dinsdale and RESOLVED unanimously as a correct record of trhe meeting and duly signed by the Chair.

Open Forum for Public Participation


Mr Douglas Cattermole, District Council Liberal Democrat candidate attended the meeting to introduce himself. He has lived in Haslingfield for 23 years and would like to help preserve and protect the Village way of life.

There were no Declarations of Interest.

Matters Arising

It was confirmed that the Litter Picking morning will take place on Saturday 16th April at 10 am, meeting at the Recreation Ground Car Park.

It was reported that Mr Tebbit had written to Cambridgeshire County regarding Eversden Junction. Unfortunately there are more significnant black spots in the area so currently the Council is unable to do anything. The Council agreed, as did Cllr Kindersley, that the reinstatment of the speed camera is the best deterent although this is extremely costly. The revenue from speed cameras also goes bck into central Government funds, there is therefore no incentive for the County or Parish Council to finance restoration. It was RESOLVED that the Council would continue to lobby the County Council.

The WEEE Recycling took place on 16 March and although we received a nil rebate, 2.28 tonnes was collected.


Mrs Handley reported that Mr Tebbit is not standing for relection in May. The Council would like to record special thanks for all he has done as both Chairman and Councillor. Mr Tebbit will continue to help in the community.

Mrs Hoar has resigned from the Council due to personal reasons with immediate effect and is warmly thanked for her input over the last 12months.

Mrs Handley indicated that we would need at least 3 new Councillors in the forthcoming elections.

New Pavilion

Draft plans and similar photographs of the proposed new Pavilion were circulated to the Parish Council for information and were warmly approved

Annual Return: Approve Annual Governnance Statement

The Clerk read the Annual Governnance Statements 2015/2016 to the Parish Council. The Council RESOLVED to approve the Accounting Statements as being carried out correctly.



One and half storey rear extension, single storey side extension and new porch

49 Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 1HD

Mr Dinsdale proposed “No Objection”. Mr Dalton seconded. It was RESOLVED to propose “No Objection” by 4 votes and 2 abstentions.


Construction of single storey side extension to both side elevations construction of front porch and construction of detached outbuildng for incidental use.

4 Kingston Road, Great Eversden, Cambridge


Proposed erection of a live/work unit with associated parking and landscaping, including the demolition of 7 silos

Land East of 12 Church Lane, Little Eversden, CB23 1HQ

It was resolved that Mr Dalton would attend the Planning Committee on Wednesday 6th April to speak on behalf of the Council.


All payments were approved.

Westcotec (Speedwatch Equipment)                          £2880.00         RTA 1984 s.72

To clarify, the Speedwatch equipment has been gifted to village by donation. The net amount has been paid directly into the Council’s bank account. However the Council initially pay the full amount in order to claim the VAT.

Zurich (Insurance)                                                       £1548.49         LGA 1972 s.111

Localendar (Dave Farnell)                                          £21.75             LGA 1972 s.142

Correspondence was circulated before the meeting by the Clerk.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would reply to the owners of Cam Spice regarding their kind invitation to the Council. Regulations prevent their acceptance

Two email correspondences had been received from Toft Parish Council regarding land in their Parish. It was agreed that the Clerk would send a holding reply and speak to Mr Tebbit on his return.

Report from Councillor Sebastian Kindersley.

Councillor Kindersley reported that the Boundary Commission is re-opening the Consultation, the aim being to recommend ward boundaries that mean each councillor represents approximately the same number of voters on 30th May 2016

On District matters Cllr Kindersley confirmed the 11 Finch’s Field appeal had been resolved in favour of the application and that no appeal is allowed from the Inspector’s decision. Also the silos in Little Eversden were due at Planning Committee on Wednesday, as earlier mentioned.

The Local Plan is due to commence again in June, although it is likely to take 12 months to reach an outcome.

As reported that the last meeting the County Council had to decide on a Devolution deal to link Norfolk, Suffolk, Peterborough and Cambridgeshire under the administration of a mayor Cambridgeshire resolved that the deal is not acceptable and have written to the Chancellor as the purpose should be to bring decision making closer to people concerned and not to make it the province of a remote official.   Furthermore the business community is against the deal and no public consulttion has taken place.

Cllr Kindersley confirmed that Cllr Page had resigned as District Councillor.

Next Meetings


Great Eversden Parish Meeting on Monday 18th April at 8 pm in the Village Hall.

Monday 25th April, Planning if required.

Monday 9th May 2016, Annual Parish Meeting.

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