Repair Café 30 Sept 10am-1pm Booking is open


Published on September 6th, 2023 | by Admin17


How does a Repair Café work? If you have items that need mending bring them along to our Repair Café. A free event where you can learn a little about your broken item while a volunteer repairer assesses it and, where possible, does a fix while you watch how it’s done! Note: if it needs a repair beyond our abilities we will refer you to a local repair business.

Items that can be repaired are: bicycles, textiles, lampshades, clothes, all types of toys, small appliances, small electrical items including phones, and general repairs to  broken items.

Repairs are free but we ask you to book a place in advance and to tell us a little about what you’ll be bringing. Donations are welcome and will go towards upgrading the heaters at the village hall.

To book an item in use this link to access the online booking form: Booking Form

This is to ensure we have a repairer available to assess your item and any parts that are needed for the repair. If there’s a lot of interest in the event, you may have to wait a bit.

Please add the repair café e-mail address to your contacts list and check your email spam folder regularly.

Come early or stay for tea, coffee, delicious cake and a chat.

E-mail us if you’d like to help at

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