Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 14th December 2020

Minutes of PLANNING meeting held via Zoom on Monday 14th December 2020 at 8 pm

Present: Mr Brown, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Mr Dalton, Mrs Edwards Ms O’Callaghan.

1. No apologies for absence were received.

2. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Reference: 20/04627/FUL
Proposal: Erection of live/work unit with associated parking and landscaping including the demolition of 3 silos.
Site address: 12 Church Lane Little Eversden

Both Mr Prince and Mr Dinsdale recused themselves due to a legal technicality that could not be discussed. Mrs Glasse agreed, under duress, to chair the item. The Clerk informed the meeting that the application went back to 2015 when it went to Planning Committee. The ownership of the property has now changed. Mrs Glasse said that as a Parish Council we have always felt it was very intrusive as it is a live/work unit.

Members of the public asked the Parish Council if they believed the black corrugated metal with zinc cladding is in keeping with the area as it is next to the Church. Mrs Glasse believed it was due to its former agricultural element but not in keeping with current properties.

The owners of No 8 will object. They do not believe it should be a work unit due to traffic and secondly the design of the building is not in keeping with existing properties. Nos 8,10 & 12 all have a particular style which is contrary to the architect’s report. They are very concerned about the type and volume of traffic that will use Church Lane due to the type of business that will operate from the work unit.

It was RESOLVED in the majority to OBJECT to the application with the comments:
 The live/work unit has an undisclosed number of employees working at the unit travelling down a single track road.
 Design specification not in keeping with other properties;
 The Materials are now in keeping with surrounding properties
 Request Historic England be consulted due to curtilage to Church
 Request that SCDC send to full Planning Committee

4. Reference: 20/0468/HFUL
Proposal: Front Porch with covered area and first floor front elevation
Site address: 28 Wimpole Road, Great Eversden

Mr Dinsdale said that it didn’t encroach on neighbouring properties. Ms O’Callaghan said that No 30 had not been consulted, Mr Brown said he had spoken to them and they were content. The Council RESOLVED to unanimously support the application.

5. Reference: 20/04722/S73
Proposal: S73 application to vary condition 2 Approved Plans) of permission S/3552/19/FL ((Demolition of existing dwelling and garage and erection of new replacement dwelling) to amend hard/soft landscaping.
Site address: 42 High Street, Great Eversden

Due to the fact that we are unclear as to what has changed on the plans the Council proposed NO RECOMMENDATION.

6. There were no other plans received after the published agenda.

The meeting was closed at 8:33 pm.

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