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27th February 2012

A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Pavilion on 27th February 2012 at 8pm.

Apologies: Mr Huddleston and Cl. Kindersley

Present, Mrs Handley, Mr Dinsdale, Mr Blatch, Mrs Glasse, Miss Sach, Mr Tebbit, Mr White and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton. Cl. Mrs Heazell was also present.

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th January were agreed and signed.

Matters arising from the Minutes

1          Land Registration and Road at St Helen's Transfer. Miss Sach is working hard to collect necessary documentation.  She has just acquired a map dated 1887.

2          Telephone Box Glass at Great Eversden: Mr Blatch hopes to do this later this week.

3          Cycle Path Eversden to Comberton  A further email has been sent to the agent requesting him to telephone the Chairman before approaching St John's College.

4          40-30mph progress This is now in the hands of the Highways Division. The PC has confirmed that it is prepared to go ahead even without a grant from Highways.  The scheme will therefore be advertised in March.  Mrs Heazell suggested that the PC might apply for a community-chest grant from SCDC via Kathryn Hawkes,

5          Road Improvements. Nothing more has been heard since the site-meeting about the A603 junction with Harlton Road and the proposal to set up a traffic island.  However the large number of accidents makes this a matter of real urgency, and the Manager of the Wheatsheaf spoke of his serious concern.  It was agreed that he and Mr Dinsdale would list the number of recent accidents (including relatively minor ones) and give it to the Council to support its case for safety measures.

6          Arts Award Scheme. Three nominations were received.  It was agreed to support the Eversden Brass Band.

7.         Emergency Planning. It was agreed that a sub-committee be appointed to work on the proposal document.  Mrs Glasse and Mr Huddleston agreed to serve.

8.         Planning        

OSP 148. It was reported that the SCDC Planning Meeting had approved the scheme by 8 votes to 6.

15 Wheeler's Way The tree condition requested has been included in the Consent.

42 Wimpole Road Camstead Homes had re-submitted their proposal for two dwellings.  Some alterations had been made to the previous application but the essential objections remained.  After a full discussion it was unanimously agreed to recommend refusal. A slightly modified version of the previous comments would again be attached.

9          Finance

            A letter from Dr Nicholson was read thanking this council on behalf of the Parochial Church Council for the donation towards the churchyards.

The following cheques were agreed:

CCC street lighting                 £222.99           Parish Councils Act 1957 s3

Acre subscription                    £30.00             LGA 1972 s143(1)

9          Cl. Kindersley, was not present, but he had previously circulated a written report.

10        Cl. Mrs Heazell spoke of her concerns about the Health Bill, its elaborate detail and its lack of local representation.

            She was also concerned about the loss of rural bus services.  It was suggested that the 75 service might be retained at a subsidy of £3.00 per person per journey.  It was agreed after discussion that this would be reasonable.  She also wished to pursue a separate issue of making the schedules more convenient and of bringing the service to Great Eversden.

11        Mr Dinsdale paid tribute to Mrs Hobbs on her resignation from the Council, and it was agreed to write and thank her for her services

12        Corespondence in circulation.

 Next Meetings

 Little Eversden Parish Meeting Monday 5th March in the Pavilion at 8pm

 Planning Meetings (if needed) Monday 12th March at 8.30 in the Village Hall

 and Monday 16th April in the Village Hall at 8pm  - before the

 Great Eversden Parish Meeting 16th April in the Village Hall 8.30pm

 Full Parish Council Monday 2nd April at 8pm in the Village Hall