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2nd April 2012

A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall on 2nd April 2012 at 8pm.

            Apologies: Mr Blatch, Mrs Heazell

Present, Mrs Handley, Mr Dinsdale, Mr Huddleston, Mrs Glasse, Miss Sach, Mr Tebbit, Mr White and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton. Cl. Kindersley was also present.

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th February 2012 were agreed and signed.

Matters arising from the Minutes

1          Land Registration and Road at St Helen's Transfer. Three of the four sites are now ready for registration.  There are still some problems with the fourth site round St Helen's Church.  It was agreed to wait until the next meeting in the hope that all four sites could be registered simultaneously.  If not, the three sites would be registered immediately.

2          Telephone Box Glass at Great Eversden: Mr Blatch has done this.

3          Cycle Path Eversden to Comberton  A written briefing has been given to the agents in the hope that they will approach St. John's sympathetically.

4          40-30mph progress The scheme has now been advertised and after the statutory date in April it will go ahead if there have been no objections.

5          Road Improvements. Island at the A603 junction.  The list of accidents is still being compiled.  Cl. Kindersley recommended urgent action and co-operation with Harlton PC.  He is supporting the proposal.

6.         Emergency Planning. Nothing to report yet.

New Items

7.         Burghley Park Royal Picnic invitation for 13 June.  This was an invitation to members of the Parish Council.  Since no member showed an interest in attending it was agreed to publish it on the village web-site and to inform Derek Blatch.

8.         Dog Control A complaint had been received about dogs on the footpaths which were not sufficiently under control and bothered other users by jumping up at them.  It was suggested that there should be a note in Tailcorn asking dog-walkers to be more responsible.  It was suggested that if the owners were known, the Chairman could discuss the problem with them. There were also some concerns about dog fouling and inadequate removal.

9.         Parking at night  There had been a recent accident in Harlton Road involving a car parked facing the wrong way.  Parking in this way is illegal on a road carrying a 40mph speed limit.

10.       Recreation Ground improvements.  Since Mr Blatch was not present there was no report, but the chairman warned that time might be running out for the revised planning application.

11.       Planning        

9 Lowfields Single storey extension.  There was concern that the plans submitted did not show all of the buildings already on the site.  It was also noted that the nearest neighbour had objections to the plan.  Agreed that the Chairman would visit to check the plans.

It was proposed the response should be 'No Recommendation' with a comment about the possible inaccuracy of the plans and reference to the neighbour's objection.  Six members voted in favour and two against.

11 Wheelers Way.  Change of use of piece of land formerly owned by SCDC to a garden.  Agreed to 'Approve'.

2A Lowfields  Single storey garage.  SCDC had originally refused permission for this as it was beyond the building-line.  However it would now parallel the garage at no.2.  Agreed that Mrs Glasse should speak to the residents of no. 2 before the PC's view is submitted.

12.       CPALC survey.  The Chairman agreed to fill this in.

13.       Finance

            Eversden Brass Band.  The Band was congratulated on winning an award under the Arts Awards Scheme.  It was unanimously agreed to grant the sum of £300 in recognition of the excellent work it was doing for local youth.

            Jubilee Celebration on the Recreation Ground. It was reported that Mrs Lindy Wood was organising this most effectively.

The following cheques were agreed:

Eversden Brass Band                        £300.00           LG(MP)A 1976 s19

Clerk's Salary, 3 months        £254.21           LGA 1972 s111(2)

Clerk's Expenses                    £20.33             LGA 1972 s111(2)

David Farnell for 'What's        £19.38             LGA 1972 s143(1)

   On Calendar' on web-site

CPALC Affiliation Fee             £267.97           LGA 1972 s143(1)

Village Hall Insurance              £1,607.88        LGA 1972 s133

14        Cl. Mrs Heazell had sent a written report.  She and Cl. Kindersley had had a meeting with Mr Lee the proprietor of Whippet coaches.  He was keen to continue providing a service and would be very willing to discuss a range of options with the County Council.  He is seeking a meeting and will report back.

            Housing. Finance has now been arranged for the purchase of the housing stock from the Government. As the rents start coming in to SCDC in full, instead of 50% going direct to Whitehall, this should yield sufficient spare cash to start building more affordable housing.

15        Cl. Kindersley said it would help greatly to provide more evidence if the Eversdens could arrange for a similar survey as Harlton on bus use.

            The use of wardens for sheltered housing was being reviewed to ensure that only those who wanted the service received it.

            A new group had been set up to consider strategic and co-operative planning of transport over a wide area.

            Grosvenors, the developers of the Trumpington Meadow site were extending their ideas for a sports complex, football ground and possibly hotels to the south of Cambridge.  There was a danger that this would lead to the kind of sprawling development that has been avoided in the past.

16        Correspondence in circulation.

Next Meetings

            Great Eversden Parish Meeting Monday 16th April in the Village Hall at 8pm

Full Parish Council Meeting  Monday 14th May in the Village Hall at 8pm

Planning Meetings (if needed) 28th May in the Pavilion at 8.30pm

and 11 June in the Village Hall at 8.30pm