17th July 2006

A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall on Monday 17th July 2006 at 8pm.       Back to Index

Apologies.  Mrs Clemmow, Miss Hayes and Mr Tebbit

Present  Mrs Handley, Mr Ellis, Miss Sach,  Mr Bane, Mr Blatch, Mr White, and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton.   D.Cl. Mrs Heazell was also present

Minutes of the meeting held on 5th April 2006 were signed after correcting Item 7 line 1 to read  '… Ms Alison Bourne from Care Network', not 'from the County Council'.

Matters arising from the Minutes

1                    Footpath 13. Ivett's Lane.  A protest has been made to BT by the County Council's Mr Gary Wesley.

2          Nixon's Hall Tablet. A quotation had been received from Ivett & Reid for a replacement tablet at the cost of £827 + VAT. Agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting of the Council.

3          Land Registration of Parish Property This was proceeding slowly

4          Social Car Scheme

            Mrs Handley reported that Mr White had been contacted by a small number of people who are interested.  There is now a need for an organiser to run the scheme with the help of a small team. Mrs Handley said that she had contacted one person and would welcome suggestions of others who might be approached.

5          Speeding:            A reply had been received from the Chief Constable's office stating that the police had no objections to our request for interactive signs in the villages. This information had been passed to Mr Lines of the Highways Department and his response was awaited.

6          Street Lights            Letter received from the District Council setting out their defined terms and prices for underwriting the cost of street lighting. These were much as forecast.

7          Affordable Housing            Awaiting a site meeting with Highways Department.

8          The Hoops, Great Eversden            The Chairman reported that he and Mr White had summarised the opinion of the Parish Council and others and had written to Mr Kerr, but had had no reply.  Mr Dalton had met Mr Kerr at the Hoops but no reference had been made to the letter, only to the intended conversion to a Chinese restaurant.

9          Finance:

The following cheques agreed and signed

Recreation Field Cttee. Grant               £1200.00  PHA 1875 s.164

Recreation Field Cttee. Recycling Grant            £182.15    PHA 1875 s.164

                                    P. Church Council Graveyard maintenance            £350.00    LGA 1772 s.214

                                    L. Volans. Clerk's salary + expenses                    £287.86   LGA 1972 s.112(2)

                                    Rambler's Association  (retrospective)            £24.00      HA 1980 ss.43, 50

                                    Insurance. PC insurance                                £1127.25   LGA 1972 s.111

10        Planning

                        Pritchard. Shed at Homestead. Replacement            Approved by SCDC

Home Close Lt. E. Chivers' garage modification 2. Understood this had been refused at Chairman's Delegation Committee of SCDC

8 High St. Lt. Eversden. Replacement by two houses.  Refused by SCDC. Gone to appeal.

Conversion of Hay Barn to Dwelling by EAJ Wood. Refused by SCDC Gone to appeal.

Nichols. 52 Harlton Road, Lt. E. Extension. Approved by PC

1 Wheeler's Way, Lt. E.  Mr Blatch to inform neighbours and report back to Chairman.

11        Insurance. Changes to Recreation Field Insurance.  The present arrangement is not considered satisfactory by the Insurers, who wish the Recreation Field to have its own insurance.  Agreed the Chairman and Mr Bane, Chairman of the Recreation Field Committee, discuss this and agree new arrangements.

12        Correspondence. In circulation

            Date of Next Meeting    Monday 11th September 2006 at 8pm in the Village Hall